Water is everything for us. We use it for a lot every day, swimming in pools or lakes, drinking it to quench our thirst. But little we know that sometimes the water can get dirty or contaminated. This can harm fish and other animals that live in the water. It can also create problems for people who drink the water or splash around in it. Which is why we have to make sure the water is clean. Preserving the safety of our water is again critical to both people and wildlife.
To determine if water is clean, scientists examine various parameters. These include pH, or how sour the water is, temperature, or how hot or cold the water is, how much oxygen is in the water, and how much nutrients that we have. This involved time and money in the past when water quality had to be checked. Scientists had to use a variety of different tools for each item that needed inspecting. This complicated the testing process and slowed it down. But now we have exciting new machines called multi-parameter analyzers that can do a check of several different things at once! This is a massive improvement since it lets us easily#get quick results.
Multi-parameter analyzers are specialized machines that are extremely useful. They enable scientists to check the water for a lot of things at once, saving both time and money. So instead of doing dozens of tests and wasting time, we can use this one machine to see whether the water is safe for fish, animals and humans. That means we access critical information more quickly, which is a great benefit to the clean-water community.
Physical properties: This includes checking something like the temperature of the water or how much stuff dissolved in the water. These matter because they do inform us on whether the water is too warm or too cold for fish and other organisms.
This tests for various elements and compounds in the water (chemical properties). Testing the water gives us information about whether any harmful agents, like chemicals, are present that might harm animals or people.
Biological properties: This checks for any living things in the water, such as plants and animals, and whether there is any pollution. You need to know if there’s harmful bacteria or pollutants that could make the water unsafe.
Our rivers, lakes and other waterways are benefitting from the Labtech multi-parameter analyzer. It finds problems in data quickly, because it provides us with answers in no time. If there's contamination or pollution we could address it immediately to keep the nearby humans and wildlife safe. It makes a lot of things easier because we don’t have to do tests manually anymore. “With this machine we gather information on a daily basis to make sure that we can take the appropriate decisions to mitigate any event in relation to our water and how we manage it.”
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لشركة Shanghai Labtech Co.,Ltd.